13 June 2013

school of art exhibition

Our class met up for lunch yesterday and then a visit to the Belfast School of Art Annual Exhibition.
We headed straight for the textiles - no surprise there.
Here's some photos of things which caught my eye. Apologies as I didn't get all the artists names.
I loved the map print on this dress.

This was a stunning piece by Hannah Bell.

Some hand/machine embroidery.

Some machine embroidery by Liz McCulloch with linen as the theme.

I caught a glimpse of myself in this piece by Jena Magenus

The exhibition runs until Saturday the 15th June so still time to go.
Bye for now, Ali.


  1. OOh what beautiful work...love the dress - map colours are amazing. I went to an exhibition recently where someone's diary pages had been transfered to slivers of silky material to tie onto netting, making a screen. So many fabulous creative ideas out and about to inspire!
    Ali x

  2. Life is so busy here at the moment but I do hope to get to it. I always love a wander around, both my kids attended the Art College, my daughter did Fashion and Textiles and my son did Visual Communications.
    V xxx


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